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e-commerce and online shopping in Bangladesh

e -commerce and online shopping in Bangladesh For starters, first, come to mind well what e-commerce is. E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the exchange of products and services through the Internet. It includes various information, programs, and resources for online buyers and sellers, such as mobile shopping and encryption for online payments. source:pexel (e-commerce) The rise of e-commerce marketplaces  in Bangladesh E-commerce and online shopping have been rapidly growing in Bangladesh in these recent years, thanks to the rise in low-cost smartphone availability, the expansion of internet connectivity, and the Bangladesh government's push towards a digital economy. According to a report published by the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS), the country's e-commerce market was worth around $3 billion in 2020, with an annual growth rate of 25% almost. The market is anticipated to have grown by another 10%, reaching $10 billion By 2025. Anothe...